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Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own "black technology"

2024 / 06 / 21

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图1)

Since the beginning of this year, China's photovoltaic industry has maintained a positive development trend. The output of the main links of the industrial chain has achieved steady growth, and the scale of new installed capacity has also increased year-on-year. Statistics from the National Energy Administration show that in the first quarter of 2024, the country's new grid-connected photovoltaic capacity reached 45.74 million kilowatts, an increase of 36%. Among them, the new grid-connected capacity of distributed photovoltaic was 23.81 million kilowatts, an increase of 31%.


How to develop photovoltaic power generation in the future, how to face the opportunities and challenges, and with the arrival of hot summer weather, how to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation, by this article let us discuss one by one.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图2)

Under the background of The Times, the development of the industry has ushered in huge dividends


Photovoltaic power generation technology can be traced back to 1839, the French scientist Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect of liquid light, that is, the photovoltaic effect. Based on a large number of basic research by predecessors and the continuous efforts of industry personnel, it has gradually developed into today's photovoltaic industry. With the advancement of industrial production technology, the cost of photovoltaic power generation has been greatly reduced, making it economical in large-scale applications. In the 21st century, with the global emphasis on renewable energy, photovoltaic power generation has been rapidly developed and has become one of the main alternatives to fossil fuels.


Since The State Council issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Photovoltaic Industry" in 2013, China's photovoltaic power generation industry has entered a stage of rapid development, and the total amount of photovoltaic power generation in the country has increased from 9 billion KWH in 2013 to 427.27 billion KWH in 2022. The compound annual growth rate is 53.56%. In 2022, China's renewable energy generation capacity will reach 2.7 trillion KWH, accounting for 31.3 percent of the country's electricity generation. Among them, the average utilization rate of photovoltaic power generation is 98.3%, which continues to maintain a high utilization level.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图3)

In recent years, domestic and foreign photovoltaic companies have increased investment and launched more efficient and environmentally friendly photovoltaic products to seize market share. At the same time, with the advancement of technology and the reduction of costs, the kilowatt-hour cost of photovoltaic power plants continues to decline, and its competitiveness in the global energy market is gradually increasing.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图4)

Photovoltaic industry increasingly fierce competition, how to deal with?


At present, the photovoltaic industry is facing a series of technological innovation challenges, such as improving the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, reducing production costs, and improving the reliability and safety of the system. With the continuous progress of technology, the power generation efficiency and economic benefits of photovoltaic power stations will be further improved. In addition, the emergence of new photovoltaic technologies such as flexible photovoltaic and double-sided photovoltaic has also brought new growth points to the industry.


The future development of the photovoltaic industry has three main directions, one is to promote the high-end industry through technological innovation, and accelerate the pace of new battery industrialization; The second is to use the advantages of new energy around the country to create green and low-carbon photovoltaic products, further promote the intelligent and high-end transformation of the photovoltaic industry, and promote the green and sustainable development of the industry; The third is to promote the deep integration of photovoltaic and other industries, and widely use photovoltaic in construction, transportation, agriculture, animal husbandry, desert governance and other fields to achieve the development of diversified application scenarios. Through the above means, driven by the strong demand of society, we will promote the sustainable and high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图5)

Is the high efficiency of photovoltaic power generation in summer a mistake?


Into the summer, many people think that "summer light time is long, light is enough, power generation must be large." But in fact, photovoltaic power generation uses light, not heat. Although there is plenty of sunshine in summer, high temperature, high humidity, heavy rainfall, and severe weather are relatively frequent, and these unique factors in summer will have a certain impact on the power generation of the power station. In particular, the high temperature will have an impact on the component, and it will also have an impact on the photovoltaic inverter. Among them, the peak temperature coefficient of photovoltaic modules is about -0.38~0.44%/ ° C, that is, the higher the temperature, the lower the power generation of photovoltaic modules, in theory, every time the temperature rises one degree, the power generation will be reduced by about 0.44%.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图6)

Since photovoltaic power generation relies on light, the utilization of light by the components is crucial. Wiskind has conducted in-depth research on the power generation efficiency of double-sided modules on different roofing materials, and developed a photovoltaic white ™ light coating technology for metal roofing. The gap incident sunlight is highly reflected through the photovoltaic white ™ light coating on the surface of the roof panel, and the power generation of double-sided battery modules can be increased by 11 to 12% compared to single-sided battery modules. The back power generation gain is about 3 times that of ordinary roof panels.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图7)

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图8)

In addition, wiskind PV roofing integrated solution uses double-sided double-glass photovoltaic modules with glass encapsulation on the back side, which fully stimulates the power generation capacity of double-sided double-glass cells through photovoltaic white ™ light energy coating, achieving synergies between metal roofing and photovoltaic modules.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图9)



From the macro background, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather in the world, the development of renewable energy has been a global consensus, and the professional application of photovoltaic technology in various fields has not only promoted the revolution of clean energy, but also contributed to global sustainable development. With the advancement of technology and the support of policies, the photovoltaic industry will usher in broader prospects and more opportunities. Wiskind will also work together with industry peers to promote the innovative development of building PV integration and strive for a sustainable green energy future.

Affected by high temperature in summer, roof photovoltaic power generation has its own black technology(图10)

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