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What are the advantages of rock wool sandwich panel compared with ALC wall panel?

2024 / 06 / 27

Rock wool sandwich panels and ALC wall panels are common building materials. ALC (autoclaved light aerated concrete partition board) is a multi-porosity concrete product made of silica sand, cement and lime as the main raw materials, reinforced by rust-resistant steel bars, and cured by high temperature, high pressure and steam. Rockwool sandwich board is a sandwich board made of rockwool as raw materials, which has functions in fire prevention, thermal insulation, sound absorption and other aspects. So what are the advantages of rock wool sandwich board? Let's look at it together.



1. Construction cost

The on-site connection of ALC wall panels requires welding of hook bolts, and installation requires repair, putty, paint and other wet work, while the installation of wiskind rock wool sandwich panels does not require hot work, reducing construction costs.


2. Performance advantage

ALC wall panels require a thicker thickness than wiskind rockwool sandwich panels to achieve comparable mechanical and thermal insulation properties, and the effective utilization of floor space using rockwool sandwich panels is higher.


3. Column distance advantage

The maximum size of ALC wallboard is only 600x6000, and the column distance is limited. The rockwool sandwich board supports a larger column distance, especially when the wiskind structural rockwool sandwich board is used as the external wall of the purlinless system, the column distance can reach 7-8 meters and above, which is more efficient and the visual effect is more beautiful.


4. Later maintenance

The subsequent maintenance of the rock wool sandwich board is simple, and there is no need to worry about the quality of the ALC wall board, such as cracking and water leakage, and there is no need to regularly paint.


Wiskind rock wool sandwich panel - economic cost, less material consumption, good mechanical properties, good thermal insulation, construction and installation fast, if necessary, welcome to consult.

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